To be an author on the blog, e-mail the following info to munira . hmz @ gmail . com (without the spaces)
1)name 2)blogger e-mail address
or if you don't want to be an author and would like the admin to post for you: 1)name and description 2)poem
kata.mata apa?
kata.mata is a poetry circle.
The aim is to establish a group where you can share your own poetry, no experience needed, and no elitism enforced. We just want to encourage creativity and expression of thought, be it on personal issues or matters pertaining to the world today.
Many find it hard for them to be heard; We, intend to LISTEN. Help each other grow as artists, and share.
We hope to organize poetry circles, where you can read/perform your work for others to hear.
All languages are welcome, be it English, Malay, Mandarin, Tamil, French, Arabic...